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Before The Storm A Prequel To The Award Winning Life Is Strange Series

Before the Storm: A Prequel to the Award-Winning Life is Strange Series

Unravel the Secrets of Chloe Price's Past


Before the Storm, from Deck Nine and Square Enix, is a gripping three-part episodic adventure game that serves as a prequel to the BAFTA award-winning Life is Strange. Set three years prior to the original game, Before the Storm explores the transformative friendship between Chloe Price and Rachel Amber.

Episodic Adventure with Compelling Characters

As Chloe, players will embark on an emotionally charged journey as she navigates a tumultuous time in her life. With rewind powers at her disposal, Chloe can manipulate time and make pivotal decisions that will shape the storyline. The game features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own motivations and secrets.

Enhanced Remaster

Before the Storm Remastered offers stunning visuals, upgraded graphics, and improved gameplay mechanics. Players can explore the idyllic coastal town of Arcadia Bay with enhanced details and experience the captivating soundtrack in crystal-clear quality.

Themes of Identity and Growth

Before the Storm delves into themes of identity, loss, and growth. Through Chloe's journey, players will discover the complexities of adolescence and the power of friendship. The game offers a thought-provoking narrative that examines the impact of choices and the consequences that follow.


Before the Storm is an essential prequel for fans of the Life is Strange franchise and a captivating adventure in its own right. With its emotionally resonant story, compelling characters, and immersive gameplay, Before the Storm Remastered invites players to revisit the beloved universe of Life is Strange and witness the transformative power of friendship.
