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Capital Gains Tax Canada Exemption

Understanding the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption: A Boon for Small Business Owners


The lifetime capital gains exemption (LCGE) is a valuable tax provision that can significantly reduce the tax liability of individuals who dispose of qualified small business corporation (QSBC) shares. This exemption is particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs and family-owned businesses, as it allows them to defer or eliminate capital gains taxes on the sale of their businesses.

Eligible Individuals

The LCGE is available to eligible individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • They are Canadian residents.
  • They have disposed of QSBC shares.
  • They have met the minimum holding period requirements.
  • They have not previously claimed the LCGE.

Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption Limit

The LCGE limit for dispositions of QSBC shares in 2023 is $800,000. This means that individuals can claim an exemption of up to $800,000 of capital gains on the sale of their QSBC shares. Any capital gains in excess of this limit will be subject to regular capital gains tax rates.

Benefits of the LCGE

The LCGE offers several benefits to eligible individuals, including:

  • Tax savings: The LCGE can significantly reduce the tax liability of individuals who dispose of QSBC shares.
  • Deferred taxation: Individuals who claim the LCGE can defer paying capital gains taxes until they dispose of the QSBC shares.
  • Business succession planning: The LCGE can facilitate business succession planning by allowing family members to inherit or acquire QSBC shares without incurring significant capital gains taxes.


The lifetime capital gains exemption is a valuable tax provision that can help small business owners and their families save significant amounts of money on capital gains taxes. By understanding the eligibility requirements and limitations of the LCGE, individuals can maximize the benefits of this exemption and secure their financial future.
